Category Archives: Trump

On this day in history Speaker Pelosi announces least surprising decision in recent American History.

Nancy Pelosi addressed the American public to announce an official inquiry into the impeaching of America‘s worst president. 6 different house committees are already working to document the ever-growing list of impeachable offenses the second highest vote winner of the 2016 election.

There are other sites that can list the numerous impeachable offenses of the Trump administration.

There are also many sites documenting Trump’s own criminal enterprises and corrupt way of life prior to being president.

What I think is special today is that so many Americans have shown themselves to be disloyal to fundamental values we thought were standards in the American psyche.

Truth is not as valued today as it was before Trump’s scam election.

Civil discourse has devolved dramatically between Americans. It has been so disheartening to come upon Trump supporters in online public spaces and living in Vienna has greatly insulated me from the real life occurrence. I am everyday reminded of the good fortune I had to be able to relocated to Vienna. I hope my good fortune keeps up!

U.S. Speaker of the House – Nancy Pelosi

My Europeans friends often wonder how so many Americans can be so effing stupid. Trump is a result of decades of media distortion. Radio is the leading media consumption source and talk radio (in a commuter country) is skewed far far further to the right than even #FauxNews. #Propaganda works, folks!

My Europeans friends often wonder how so many Americans can be so effing stupid. Trump is a result of decades of media distortion. Radio is the leading media consumption source and talk radio (in a commuter country) is skewed far far further to the right than even #FauxNews. #Propaganda works, folks!

Trump’s Brand is (still) Con.

So don’t be a sucker.
Blog entry reposted from Trump’s first attempt at misleading America.

“Don’t Be a Sucker” was designed to warn pre-internet moviegoers about the dangers of being taken in by a populist demagogue. It’s seventy five years old, so it barely predates Don the Con. It also perfectly encapsulates a what he is, and always has been, a dyed-in-the-wool conman.

However, the fact that he is a Russian-backed conman puts him in another category. He and his family are not just in it for their personal gain (in the form of Russian hotels, and even possibly huge shares of Rosneft. 

Go down this incomplete list of pro-Russia actions Don the Con has taken in direct contravention to American commitments and interests:

This man is not in office for you, people like you, or even people you like. His policies on trade directly harm his own narrow constituency. His  rhetoric has consistently targeted minorities and his slogan itself is dredged from the darkest parts of American history. He’s in office for himself and for Putin (to save himself). He came into office in violation of his oath of office on day one. His actions and the actions of a still rising number of convicted flunkies indicate he’s guilty, psychologically duplicitous and fully-compromised. This cannot end well, but it will end. Let your conscience be your guide and most of all …

Don’t be a sucker!