Hungarians cave to fear and xenophobia.

Fidesz makes bogeymen out of people fleeing war, famine, poverty and hopelessness making it’s citizens fear for their Christianity, itself a dying religion. As a result they cede their own liberty, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and rights to petition the courts for a redress of grievances. This strategy, to wage a campaign based on self-generated fantasies, pushed into the minds of citizens in an environment of limited news resources is the surest way to degrade a democracy. Hungary as a Democracy is at its lowest point since the fall of Communism. But don’t worry! The “Viktator” has a lovely view of it all from his home overlooking his football stadium. Life is grand at the top, that it sits atop a wobbley mountain of corruption is of no importance.

We can see this will end badly, as all authoritarian regimes do. The question is how to the Hungarians organize a diverse opposition to this coalescing of power? Jobbik is a rude and inappropriate joke of a political party. Anti-Semitic fear-mongering is so last millennium but even they oppose Orbán in coalition with the left wing parties. However the election results show this will not have much effect on the FIdesz party’s ability to maul the constitution in the foreseeable future.

How the citizens of Hungary reassert Democratic principles is an open question. The Atlantic recently interview one of the lone independent investigative journalists about the state of affairs there and I recommend it.