It can and will get much much worse.

Trump hires the worst person, yet again.

When it comes to this regime, it can and almost certainly will get much, much worse. Bolton has no business speaking or working in public service and shouldn’t be allowed to spell “nuclear” much less negotiate with foreign states about it. His rudimentary thinking is anachronistic. He belongs to a time when serfs and peasants did not read, check email or vote. Just look at some of his brainier statements:

“The only thing that will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons is regime change in Tehran.”

source: Voice of America.

This quote was over a decade ago. He clearly doesn’t think Iran can be a rational actor or that negotiating with a country can be successful. This view ignores past successes such as in Libya. Yes, Libya is what success looks like! It’s not pretty, but it also isn’t a nuclear power now.

And contrary to this view he thinks Russia is a hopeful scenario (surprise!).

“I wouldn’t give up on Russia, and with oil at $90 a barrel, they can refurbish their strategic capabilities and under an authoritarian regime, those nuclear weapons are still there and in the wrong hands we might have a problem again.”

source: Human Events

We need to consider whether the 2018 elections are going to allow the American electorate to impeach the President and Vice-President fast enough to prevent an unnecessary war. I mean even Joe Biden’s former national security advisor is pretty certain Bolton forebodes trumped up grounds for conflict.

And now we see an actual conservative like George Will recognizes the ensuing danger Trump has welcomed into his administration.

Trump appears poised to replace Rosenstein and have Mueller fired. So what comes next? How should the resistance respond? Is a national strike the only way forward once the President attempts to stop the investigation?